The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110672   Message #2324329
Posted By: theleveller
24-Apr-08 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: Have your tastes changed over the years?
Subject: RE: Have your tastes changed over the years?
With you all the way there, Bryn. Folk music is just so much more varied (and so much more fun) since the 60s. Last year at Beverley the three headline acts were New Model Army, Bellowhead and Seth Lakeman, all of whom were brilliant, but it caused a bit of a moan from some of the traditionalists (especially NMA - who I love).

Oysterband are still just amazing - saw them doing an acoustic set at Pocklington recently, a small venue where the atmosphere was electric.

Then there are sensational young groups like Mawkin who I seem to see everywhere - and some great but almost unknown singer/songwriters like Dan Webster from York.

I could spend a fortune on CDs if I was allowed.

Just thinking about booking to see Dragonforce at Leeds Uni in October, with my 17-year old lad.