The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110504   Message #2324947
Posted By: Ed T
24-Apr-08 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
Subject: RE: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
It seems reasonable that the Roman Catholic church's actions were based on a hierarchy's attempts at self preservation.

But a fair question is a self preservation of what?

Preservation of the Gods work, God's directives and God's words...the core purpose for this church to exist? Likely not.

More likely is the preservation of an established organization, the church hierarchy, and "dyed in the wool" approaches? Preservation of vested posts and interests? Preservation of finances? Preservation of authority? Added to this, is likely elitism, smugness.

I submit it just as reasonable to speculate that actions resulted from a mere attempt to avoid any negative impact to persons in the responsibility chain, including those in positions of authority. Additionally also the allegiance to potentially guilty of offenses? Who knows how high in the organization structure this nasty stuff reached.

Logically, one would assume that self preservation would also factor the importance of maintaining a committed and faithful congregation.

While it may not be difficult to keep an older (traditionally more obedient) congregation, and those who put church allegiance and blind faith at the forefront. But, on the longer term, this group is shrinking, and not being replaced by youth in the developed Christian world. While the sex impropriety is only one factor, I submit it is an important one. Many ptential new recruits are free thinking, resourceful and knowledgeable.

So, what is puzzling to me is the lack of logic in determining a course in the preservation the long term interests of this church.

After weighing the cost of doing the right thing, (by surrendering those accused to authorities for a fair hearing, lets say the 3 to 5 % of priests),versus the spiritual, versus the cost to reputation and congregation by not taking this course, it seems like a no brainier. Added to this is the danger that not taking aggressive and careful action would likely contribute to even more offenses and added disgrace upon the church.

A good question is what in the world were they thinking? That no one was watching?