The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110470   Message #2325395
Posted By: Amos
25-Apr-08 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcatters on Saturdays/ Sundays
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcatters on Saturdays/ Sundays
SOmetimes, these days, the weekends are the only peace there is, and they do not last long enough or appear often enough. Running from Monday to Friday, a full time office job, home tasks, and such, I have to use the first part of my precious weekend just to catch up on sleep, so I can think a little more clearly about what the f*&&^ I am doing.

But it doesn't change the deep deprivation of free choice. I have more than average freedom in the small things. But they are like colored toys thrown into the playpen, when the big issue is when the &^&*^ do I get out of this damn playpen? :D

'COurse, I've learne dby now that there is always greener grass in some other, imagined, situation, and that we are very poor guessers about what will actually make us happy. So I shets ma mouf and soldiers on. SOmetimes I think I would rather be dancing in the valleys of Arcturus.