The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #791   Message #2326
Posted By: Anne Cormack
17-Feb-97 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Inverey / The Baron o' Brackley
Subject: ADD Version: Baron o' Brackley / Inverey
Lisa, I think it's the Baron o' Brackley too - here it is..

Doon Deeside cam' Inveray, whistlin' an' playin',
An' he was at Brackley's yetts as the day was dawin',
Says "Baron o' Brackley, Oh are ye within?
There are shairp swords doon at your yetts will gar your bleed spin."

"Oh rise up my baron and turn back your kye,
For the lads frae Dumwharran are driving them by."
"Oh how can I rise up or turn them again,
For whaur I hae ae man, I'm sure they hae ten."

"Gin I had a husband as I wat I hae nane,
He widna lie in his bed an' watch his kye ta'en."
Then up got the baron, says, "Gie me my gun,
For I will gyang oot love, tho' I'll never win in."

When Brackley was buskit an' rade ower the closs,
A gallanter baron ne'er lap tae a horse;
"Come kiss me my Peggy, nor think I'm tae blame,
I weel may go oot, love, but I'll never win hame."

There cam' wi' fause Inveray thirty and three,
There was nane wi' bonny Brackley but his brother and he.
Twa gallanter Gordons did never sword draw,
But against three an' thirty, wae's me, what is twa?

Wi' swords an' wi' daggers they did him surroun',
And they've pierced bonny Brackley wi' mony's the woun',
Frae the heid o' the Dee tae the banks o' the Spey,
The Gordons shall mourn him and ban Inverey.

"Oh cam' ye by Brackley's yetts, or was ye in there,
Or saw ye his Peggy a-rivin' her hair?"
"Oh I cam' by Brackley's yetts, an' I was there,
An' I saw his pretty Peggy - she was makin' gude cheer."

She was rantin' an' dancin' an' singin' for joy,
An' vowin' that on that nicht she would feast Inveray,
She drank wi' him, laughed wi' him, welcomed him ben,
She kept him till morning wha had slain her gude man.

There's grief in the kitchen but there's mirth in the ha',
For the Baron o' Brackley is deid an' awa'.
But up spak his son on the nurse's knee,
"Gin I live tae be a man, it's revenged I'll be."
