The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110714   Message #2326938
Posted By: Crane Driver
27-Apr-08 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Highest price paid for petrol in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Highest price paid for petrol in the UK
The short answer seems to be 'Yes, the highest price paid for petrol IS in the UK' - as ever.

I've traded in the petrol car for a diesel - more per litre but less per mile, as the fuel consuption is better. I certainly notice the difference.

Out here in the sticks, I find I need to put more in the tank - further between fillups - £20 gets me nowhere, I have to put £50 in at a time or I'd be living on the forecourt. Even with the diesel. It's nearly 40 miles a day to the office & back.

Most of the price here is tax - duty on the fuel, then VAT on top of that, so we're paying tax on the tax we pay. Thanks to that nice Mr Brown. Of course, HIS fuel is bought for him by the taxpayer. Not that a change of government would change anything.