The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110714   Message #2327149
Posted By: Phot
27-Apr-08 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Highest price paid for petrol in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Highest price paid for petrol in the UK
My daily commute costs around £20-£25 a day in fuel, and yes it's my fault for having a V8 Discovery, but I can't afford to get somthing else as due to my posting to a new job where I have to "live in", and the old girl is worth just about £750 at current prices. Also my pay packet is now some £500 a month light on what I was earning this time last year, and I'm still doing the same job!

On my way to work there is a petrol station where petrol is £1.13, and diesel is £1.24! But Tesco in Aldershot charge £1.09.9, yet in Portsmouth £1.07.9, same refinery, distribution depot, and retailer, so why the price difference?............Just food for for thought.
