The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110739   Message #2327361
Posted By: Georgiansilver
28-Apr-08 - 03:27 AM
Thread Name: Tight Folkies
Subject: RE: Tight Folkies
If there are acts I really want to see at a particular Festival then I am quite prepared to pay whatever the cost is....however there are some Festivals or 'gatherings' where little is invested in artists of conveniences and to my mind too much money is asked for tickets..even in advance. The simple answer is...I will pick and choose as I will and go to those I want to attend.
We all have choices...even as to what we understand as 'rules' or 'expectations' at these pays yer takes yer choice!
>>>>>>>>>>>A friend of mine opened his bar from 8am<<<<<<< Well fancy that now....your friend hoped to make a killing that day and didn't so 'sour grapes' On whose understanding was it that people should buy his ales?????. Sorry for your friend but that's life these days. People make their own choices.
I am approaching 60 and live on my company pension.....As someone is going up hugely due to the last budget. If I can get something for nothing then I will do so. If I go to a Festival, I will get the best from it and put in whatever is necessary.