The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109998   Message #2327754
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
28-Apr-08 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
Sunday night, 1 hour breaking up fencing panels and lugging them to the curb.

Monday morning, 1 1/2 hours breaking up the rest of the fencing panels and chucking them over the fence into the side yard for easy transport to the curb (or access to a chipper, if I get lucky and can get a bunch of stuff gathered together to make it a worthwhile rental).

I don't know any Yoga. Do the contortions I have to go through to catch and release a lizard before the pit bull catches it and eats it count? (It was in the paneling this morning. The dogs checked out and then gave safe passage to a toad--those don't taste good because they emit a fluid through the skin that basically insures that a dog will make that mistake only once. Apparently my two have already had that pleasure.)