The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110791   Message #2328100
Posted By: Old Grizzly
28-Apr-08 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: Access Denied?
Subject: RE: /ThreadNewMess-Sub.cfm Access Denied ??
Good guess Mr Crane driver (Crane Duet perhaps ?)

I am on AOL as it happens. I do get some wierd problems with them from time to time but get such a good phone deal with them that the Missus don't want to change ISP

what I wanted to post re Brian Peters was :-

< Looking forward to hearing the new CD Brian.

That should keep the singers busy for a bit .... so while they're otherwise distracted, how about a 'sneaking in' a purely concertina CD next to keep us Anglo Squeezers happy ? >



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