The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21756   Message #232886
Posted By: katlaughing
24-May-00 - 12:18 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat protocol: is nasty OK too?
Subject: RE: Mudcat protocol: is nasty OK too?
Well, I said thanks for asking. Don't I get any credit for being half-way nice?? And,I mean, Spaw is just trying to make brownie points...he can be awful nasty hisself sometimes!**BG**=**BIG GRIN** or TIC=Tongue In Cheek

And, yeah, Spaw, I DO!!!LOL

Rick, this one can be the "Mrbisok, M'cat came back" proving Spaw right for once! And, a welcome change formt hose that never do return.

Welcome, Mrbisok, to the Mudcat Cafe!
