The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21616   Message #232915
Posted By: Big Mick
24-May-00 - 01:29 AM
Thread Name: Riverdance. Good or bad?
Subject: RE: Riverdance. Good or bad?
Of course it is good. I don't believe the show ever set out to be all things Irish. It simply was meant to showcase an aspect of our culture and show what is unique to this form. And through the use of guests from other cultures it also demonstrates the common ties between us all. I saw the original US tour with Butler et al and the most recent tour. I was greatly entertained both times.

With regard to Flatley, I remember him when he danced the Feisanna and gatherings around Chicago. He had an overblown sense of himself then, and it has gotten worse. Hey Michael, it's about the dance, not about you. But there is no denying the man's talent and his drive. But I believe there are many dancers out there who are his equal, and Colin Dunne is the first one that comes to mind.

Parting comment. Why does it always come down to who is more Irish?? I was raised in a household where Irish was spoken by my Grandparents and some Aunts/Uncles, and friends of them. Gatherings often included dancing the sets (a little of the heel and toe), singing the songs, and playing the tunes. I guess I qualify as someone steeped in the traditions, but I only count myself as being fortunate for that. Not more "celtic" than anyone else. I love anything that causes more people to be exposed to our wonderful heritage, and anyone who is interested. Riverdance surely qualifies in that.

All the best,

Big Mick