The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110816   Message #2329293
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
29-Apr-08 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Throw the Reverend from the Train
Subject: RE: BS: Throw the Reverend from the Train
I am a Clinton supporter, and not a Christian, but I have to agree with Bobert on this one.

I guess no one watched Bill Moyer and Jeremiah Wright on PBS, a one-hour interview. Wright put his comments in context as they were in his sermon. He came across as an intelligent and thoughtful man, who explained his comments from biblical and common sense viewpoints.
Anyone who has ever attended a southern give-it-to-them sermon in a Black church would understand, and if in attendance perhaps would have been vocally re-enforcing his points with a "Yes, Lord." This type of sermon is completely foreign to white Americans who have never experienced life in areas with a large black community.
Of course, Wright also is a spell-binder and a salesman, otherwise he would never collect a large flock.

Unfortunately, the interview can only be had for some $25-30 on disc; it should be on the web free so at least a few more people can understand where he is coming from.

There is no way that Obama can support Wright and hope to win the vote of white Americans. It takes a Bill Moyers to get the truth and more time and space than any politician can hope to get in the media; even Obama supporters on CNN, etc., would not take the time to explain because most people had already closed their minds and would not take the time to listen!

Obama was forced to throw Wright off the train when the media and the public showed that they would never listen nor understand. Not the first time that sacrifices were deemed necessary in a political campaign.