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Thread #110816   Message #2329329
Posted By: GUEST,Fantasma
29-Apr-08 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Throw the Reverend from the Train
Subject: RE: BS: Throw the Reverend from the Train
Q, I am probably one of the few people in this forum who both watched the Moyers program AND read the transcript.

Ditto Wright's address to the NAACP.

And his speech to the National Press Club, and the Q & A session which followed.

Both watched the video in it's entirety and read the transcripts.

He did not mention any of the inflammatory comments specifically in the Moyers interview, which was a very sympathetic, softball interview. He only alluded to them as soundbites.

However, that tenor changed dramatically by the time he was doing his Q & A before the National Press Club, where he was hostile and rude to the moderator, where he was extremely belligerent toward the press, and where he not only made no attempt to skirt the issue of the videotapes of his sermons, but went well beyond the pale as he reiterated those remarks, rationalized them, and then claimed the attacks weren't on him, but "The Black Church".

Now, all that is problematic on so many levels and from so many angles, most people don't even know where to grab on to the story to make any sense out of it.

The thoughtful, subdued man on Moyers was not the same man who was belligerent and in your face at the National Press Club a few short days later.

So what "truth" do you think Moyers got? Because I felt after watching that interview, that Moyers didn't get anywhere. I didn't know anything more about Wright than I did before he sat down with Moyers for the interview.

Don't forget, I've been following the Obama campaign stories through the Chicago media too, for well over a year now. The Rev Wright story isn't a new one, by any means.