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Thread #110816   Message #2329745
Posted By: GUEST,Fantasma
30-Apr-08 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Throw the Reverend from the Train
Subject: RE: BS: Throw the Reverend from the Train
I saw it all, Donuel. The original videotapes that were sold on the church's website--in their entirety.

I saw & read the complete, unedited videos and transcripts of the Obama race speech in Philadelphia, the Moyers interview, the NAACP speech, the Press Club speech, and Press Club Q & A.

I figure I am very well informed to speak to the Wright debacle, and at the end of the day, fault Obama for playing the religion card to further his political ambitions and make himself more electable to begin with. The sucking up to religious voters game has duly blown up in his face. I can confidently say, he had that one coming. His chickens came home to roost.

That said, while Obama was busy playing religions cards, the media was playing the race card on him, to trump his religion cards, so to speak.

Now, how come a not that smart honky like me can figure out what is happening, while the smartest guys in Obama's back room couldn't figure it out, including the Obamas themselves?

No, sir. I won't blame this all on the media. The Obamas and their supporters are really smart people, and know how to play the MS politics and MSM games to their advantage. They know how to vacuum up the money. Obama is an extraordinarily gifted mainstream politician. I never bought the campaign propaganda that he wasn't a "politician as usual" politician, because I view him as the newest cynical, manipulative incarnation of the "US politician as usual". They morph into their opposite every now and then, when times for the voters get a little rough.

Politics 101. See disgruntled electorate, become opposite of the person who disgruntles them most. Voila! President Obama.

It ain't rocket science.

Nope, this one is bad judgment on the Obama campaign's part. Just like the Clinton debacle on tarmac in Bosnia, or wherever, story.

Clinton is far more experienced, and her quick mea culpa turn around in the most watched presidential debate yet was very astute and savvy.

Compare that to the Obama campaign. Faltering, stumbling, off message, demoralized, letting the loose cannon wander off reservation for days before blasting him into, that is just plain stupid. Not the moves of somebody who can pivot, toss the grenade back in the other guys lap, and cross the finish line in a cloud of obfuscating smoke (the current standard in US presidential elections).

Like it or not, we have voluntarily walked ourselves to the end of this plank. One of these three assholes is the next leader of the free world.

And that should make everybody sleep badly.