The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110816   Message #2329897
Posted By: Bobert
30-Apr-08 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Throw the Reverend from the Train
Subject: RE: BS: Throw the Reverend from the Train
Well, gol danged...

Who here doesn't have friends who have strange views??? George Bush and John McCain certainly have some... I mean, lets get real here, we all do... Now take the numbers of folks you are friends with who hold strange views and multiple that by a 100 because politicans have lots more friends than the average guy on the street...

So here we have people running for office who are friends with one heck of alot of folks who hold strange views...

Question #1: Should we expect candidates to disasssociate themselves from their friends who have strange views???

(But, Bobert, this was Obama's pastor and a man from whom Obama recieved counsel!!!)

So??? Exactly how does this change the original question??? Advice and counsel about what??? Foriegn policy??? The economy???

Question #2: Given the policies that Obama has put forth which policy has Jeremiah Wright's finger prints on it???

(But, Bobert, why did Obama wait so long to jetison Rev Wright???)

Okay, maybe he is human and has a sense of loyalty to his friends, regardless of their strange views... Is that a crime??? Or sin???

Lets get real here, I have friends who have strange views, some of whom are regulars here in Mudville (lol...)... It's a hard thing to tell a friend that "it's over"... If anything, it makes me respect Obama more for sticking to his friend until McMedia made it painfully clear that McMedia would accept nothing less than a fully prostrated Obama...

McMedia 1, Obama 0 on this one...

Now maybe McMedia will do the same to McCain and McClinton and find one of their supporters with strange views and put them thru the hoops to see how well they do in the McMedia's Prostrate Test???


P.S. I still like what Jeremiah Wright says... I think he's an entertaining and very thoughfull man... Do I agree with everything he says??? No, I don't agree with everything anyone says... But he will make you think, that muchy is for sure...