The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110849   Message #2330030
Posted By: GUEST,Hard times come again no more.
30-Apr-08 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: A caring Government??
Subject: RE: BS: A caring Government??
Getting harder and harder to live within one's means, no doubt about it. Unless you are a multi millionaire, there's no way to keep up with the bloated rising costs of housing, gasoline, food, health care, college costs for one's children - not to mention clothes, entertainment, etc. Even people with relatively high assets are feeling a pinch.

I have heard that in some countries like France, Denmark, Norway (which admittedly are prosperous and small nations)   most citizens are living quite comfortably, instead of always struggling and wondering if they will be capsized by the next increase in living expenses. Their taxes may be higher, but you get something for your dollar. I wonder if we have any citizens from those countries who can share their experiences. Do they feel their government cares about them? Is it just the 'bigger' nations. Is it the status quo in the world today to be resigned to living under the tight handed fist of their government? Or is it just the way it is everywhere.

It is not only people on fixed incomes who must live in fear, but it is a stress for young families, single mothers, people approaching retirement, and many others.

(This is not to say that the USA government does NOTHING about these issues, but just that so many people are feeling the crunch now and no relief in sight.)