The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106871   Message #2330058
Posted By: JohnInKansas
30-Apr-08 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: CompUSA to CLOSE ALL STORES
CompUSA was the only place within a 350 mile round trip where I could buy hardware and occasional small software bits. Now there is nothing.

BeastBuy doesn't sell components you can use to keep your system running. They rely on you to bring your equipment to their no-service department, where - according to most reports I've seen - they will lose it so they can sell you a complete new (and more expensive) package, with a service-contract-in-lieu-of-warranty to assure that you bring the new one to them so they can do it to you again.

There are a couple of small "computer stores" in the area, but they're "build to spec" no-name outfits and only stock parts and software that they use in their versions of "perfectly made to order computers" - which means that to get a new fan that fits my computer I'd have to visit several shops to find the one that might have the part that "could work if I'm clever enough." The "shopping" required makes it easier, and often quicker, to just order from the web - or direct from the manufacturers.
