The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110562   Message #2330216
Posted By: Acorn4
30-Apr-08 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: Unaccompanied Singers
Subject: RE: Unaccompanied Singers
My New Song

I learned to sing a brand new song
Memorised the words on every page
It sounded so good in the bathroom
And now the world would be my stage

I practised hard, both night and day
I Learned it well and felt so proud
But all my dreams would turn to ashes
When I went along to that singaround

As I went into that crowded room
I felt wound up like a coiled spring
But when I'd sat down in that circle
I did a very stupid thing

I sat in the only empty place
Where the turn to sing had just moved past
Now I'd have to sit around for hours
Oh woe is me ! Oh, damn and blast

It started off with a gruesome murder ballad
Which ended on the gallows high
But not till after 42 verses
When it was done, I heaved a sigh

Then some pissed up clown
Started a sea shanty
With a drunken chorus nine times or ten
By the time he'd reached the Bay of Biscay
He forgot the words, and had to start again

Then an intense young man with a Takamine
To bare his soul to all, he'd written a song so deep
All about a "failed relationship"
(I think I must have fallen asleep)

And several more painful dirges later
When things had sunk to an all time low
From under a seat appears a melodeon
Just wind him up and off he'll go!

Then a very large Scottish lady did an introduction,
That was even longer than the song,
"Oh wo-an't ye gan to the heels laddie,"
Another half an hour and we moved on

And then this bloke waltzes in and sits down
He arrived at least two hours after me
He must be up the organiser's backside
'Cos he gets to sing almost straight away

And once again it was a marathon performance
As despondency filled up the room
Till someone did a Leonard Cohen song
Just to lighten up the doom and gloom

It was my turn at last after an eternity!
I said "oh, is it me?", took a deep breath
Now is my chance for retribution
I'll make sure I get my pound of flesh


I'll make this song go on forever
Stretch every syllable and line
I'll get my own back on those bastards
That kept me waiting all that time
I'll go so slow, oh so slow, oh so very slow..

I'll sing so loud I'll give them earache
Let them know my time has come
They can forget about the beer break
As no-one's moving till I'm done

And as for those who carry on talking
Or crunching crisps at them I'll glare
And as for going to the toilet
I'll just say "don't you bloody dare"


I'll make this song go on forever
Stress every syllable and line
I'll get my own back on those bastards
That kept me waiting all that time
I'll go so, and still more slow .. etc

(to the tune of "El Dorado" by Graham Miles)

Love it all though, but prefer a good old Heinz 57!