The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110849   Message #2331308
Posted By: Rasener
02-May-08 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: A caring Government??
Subject: RE: BS: A caring Government??
Les In Chorlton
>>I wont bore you with what we've got right but I remain a member because I think the Labour Party is an organisation for getting things done and clearly I think we have got more right than wrong and I do think we care much about justice and the re-distribution of wealth than the Tories.
I want the labour Government to

Get the National health sorted out with clean bug free wards that are not mixed and only a short waiting list and patients looked after properly.

Give the police the powers to sort out all the loutish yobbo's and troublemakers and slam them in the clink and leave them there. Bring Law and Order back the way it should be.

To me, those are 2 of the most important things that might establish some pride back in this country.

Brown will never do that. he is a shifty, smug, rob doggin', do nothing Prime Minister who has never been voted in by means of a genereal election. he is a man running scared and I don't trust him one inch.

I'll get me vote