The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110849   Message #2331338
Posted By: Victor in Mapperton
02-May-08 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: A caring Government??
Subject: RE: BS: A caring Government??
I share your dismay strad, I like yourself saw my pension slip take a hit. It really doesn't matter which party (Labour or Conservative)is in power. One looks after the wealthy, the other the workshy. It's the middle ground that has to pay both !

As Guest remarked on such countries as France, Denmark and Norway. These countries don't close down public services one day and send an overseas aid cheque out the next. They look after their own people.

I am sick to death listening to news stories about "Deprived areas". The benefit system in this country makes provision are every man,woman and child. I don't get free prescriptions, free dental work, income support,your council tax or rent/mortgage paid for you, tax credits or any other bloody handout. Is there a government funded community centre in your area ? Have you saw government money pumped in where you live to regenerate it ?

That bloody war in Iraq is bleeding us, have you any idea how much we have thrown at it over the years. We live in a workshy country here in the UK were people can opt out of workforce with neither pressure or incentive to return to it.

I also didn't vote labour, for the first time in my life.