The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21381   Message #233134
Posted By: Mbo
24-May-00 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Tavern Enterprise Part 4
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Tavern Enterprise Part 4
Lt.Mbo let go a sigh of relief. He had finally finished the report on the hidden ship and the stastitived Mouse. He silently wished that Sloan was there to see him now. He had been a kinda of mentor to Mbo, always urged him on when the rest of 31 was against him. How long had it been? Almost a year now since Sloan committed suicide to keep The Dominion from discovering the 31-engineered virus that was killing the Founders. He had died for the cause, but Mbo wished he could have avoided it...this was the kind of mission he'd love.

Suddenly, without warning, the Lieutenant's musidisk player began acting very strangely. Hmmph, crummy replicator needs a good depolarization, he though. His disk holding all 16 ELO albums started skipping around like mad...he tried to shut it off, but it would not comply! It finally stopped on "Fire On High", but started playing backwards.....which of course played the backwards masking forwards...the voice screamed at him "THE MUSIC IS REVERSABLE, BUT TIME IS NOT!!!! TERN BACK TERN BACK TERN BACK....." then it skipped to another track, blasting "Tern to stone, when you are gone, I Tern to stone..." He felt as if someone was trying to tell him something....

Overtop of the music came a sharp hissing, like an open comm channel....he checked his console...yes, someone was trying to get through!

Then a deep voice spoke to him.

Greetings, Lieutenant, or should I say Agent Mbo! You do not know us, but we know you, and we want to help you. It seems you have in your possession, well...a certain Mouse that we require. Don't try to fool us, we know about the data rod, the Showdown 4000 nad the Mouse...don't deny it.

Who are you? The stranger should identify himself, said Mbo.

We do not usually reveal that information, but we have had tabs on you for a long time, and we know you can be trusted. We are the Tern Mousquis. We have been persecuted in the past, but now we are strong, strong. We are committed to saving the universe from the evil influence of that, that, vermin. Speaking to you now is Horace Horsecollar, head of Mousquis Security. With me is my Commander, Peg Leg Pete, and our Weapons Acquisition Officer, Monterrey Jack. We would like to meet with you, at our compound deep below the Ternian sod.

Well, I'd have to clear it with Commander--Agent LaFarge, and Captain-in-Chief Barky first, Mbo said.

Ahh yes. We know of then too, and both can be trusted. Be at the ready, we will initiate a site-to-site transport to our coordinates when the time is right. Bring any and all information you have gleaned from the Mouse, the Ups & Downs and Captains Braxton & Caitrin. We have it from good sources, and we have many, believe us, that Braxton once worked at the Mons Teneris Disney theme park before becoming the commander of the Relativity. Captain Caitrin may have some small part in it too. We understand she attended Starfleet Academy with you? Bring all info on her too. Do it for the safety of the universe, do it for Section 31, do it for Sloan, do it for your Captain. Horsecollar out.

Lt.Mbo sat back in amazement. Better get the report to Captain Barky and LaFarge, and get busy on digging up bones, he thought.

3 hourse later he was sitting on his purple recliner in his quarters on Deck 47. Another so-called "Lay-Z-Boy" design he had discovered. All his information was downloaded into the experimental Mk.X PADD. Loads of memory! He grasped that handle in the hand, while staring lackadazically at his Gold and Grey uniform. One thing the Fleet did have, and that was comfortable fatigues. Quite unlike 31's standard black leather. He waited. And waited. And waited. Suddenly he was aware of a strange change in the air around him, and he felt himself being pulled in a direction he didn't know existed....
