The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110849   Message #2331390
Posted By: Les in Chorlton
02-May-08 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: A caring Government??
Subject: RE: BS: A caring Government??

"Get the National health sorted out with clean bug free wards that are not mixed and only a short waiting list and patients looked after properly."

If only it was that simple. One of the challenges facing the NHS is the rising number of people who hang around being a bit ill using resources for years ie me and the others who are living longer. The second one is it is a massive and a massively expensive organisation. It has to be managed and their has to be a balance between care and management of care, they are not alternatives. It is still pretty good and spendsless on admin. than the alternatives

"Give the police the powers to sort out all the loutish yobbo's and troublemakers and slam them in the clink and leave them there. Bring Law and Order back the way it should be."

If you know how to sort out loutish yobbos please say how. Most people who go to prison go back later - it doesn't seem to work. We could lock people up for the rest of their lives although we couldn't afford that or we could kill lots of people - why not we do it in wars?

The country is not on its knees. More people are in work than ever and that's not a bad thing.

In case anybody forgot the Iraq war was is an utter disaster but don't forget who brought the war in Ireland to an end - I know not entirely but pretty well.


Voters have told us something and I respect that.

