The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110916   Message #2331921
Posted By: Victor in Mapperton
03-May-08 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Madeline McCann. One year on.
Subject: RE: BS: Madeline McCann. One year on.
We do indeed live in a sad world Skarpi. I accept your examples, but neither you nor I would knowingly plan a social evening with friends and agree to leave three children aged three and under alone in a strange environment. Also this was not a one off. The parents admitted that this was not the first night they had done this that week.

Both parents are doctors and would have had a greater insight into what could have happened to such young children left alone, at least one of them must have treated domestic paediatric related injuries.

As a general practitioner Mrs. McCann would have been obligated by law to report any of her patients if she was in receipt of information that they were leaving their children unattended.