The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110876   Message #2331997
Posted By: Emma B
03-May-08 - 11:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Here we go again!
Subject: RE: BS: Here we go again!
Well the legislators make the laws and we elect the legislators!

Perhaps the question should also be asked what 'experience of life' many of the judges making these interpretations of the legislation which dictate the actions of the Local Authorities have.

Unlike training for Social work which, I can assure you is considerably more than simply possessing a degree in Sociology, judges receive no training in child development or domestic violence although a report by Women's Aid in 2004 implied that such training may have prevented child deaths at the hands of seperated or divorced fathers where judges had granted contact orders.

To say that the government/law has no place in family relations would condemn countless numbers of women and children to domestic violence or other forms of abuse.

In addition the 'text books' you mention are nothing more,or less, than the sum of aquired wisdom and experience of many people's experiences from many fields of expertise in the field of human relationships - surely you are not suggested that we should should ignore such aquired wisdom?

Actually I do agree that many of our laws are badly drafted and can leave gaping loopholes open to exploitation.