The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110849   Message #2332028
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
03-May-08 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: A caring Government??
Subject: RE: BS: A caring Government??
I'm not convinced that our present problems, and those of the Labour Party, are entirely down to lack of money (there's always plenty of money to fight unwinnable foreign wars and to pay 'fat cats' enormous salaries and bonuses - funny that!). A lot of the problems that I've observed have been down to lack of logic, basic common sense, training and humanity.

If you put a lot of rather dumb bureaucrats with an inflated sense of their own importance, an obsession with budgets, and no technical understanding whatsoever in charge of an oil tanker or a jet plane, said vehicle would crash. The same thing is happening to our country. It's because politicians, of all parties, have warped priorities, devious hidden agendas and are almost entirely focussed on the 'problem' of making the rich even richer that we are 'going down the tubes'. The situation became irreversible when New Labour decided to adopt the same priorities as the Tories.