The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110916   Message #2332713
Posted By: Emma B
04-May-08 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Madeline McCann. One year on.
Subject: RE: BS: Madeline McCann. One year on.
'McCanns 'could make £1 million from book'

'The parents of Madeleine McCann announced yesterday that they were in negotiations to write a book about the disappearance of their daughter.

Publishing experts have estimated that the McCanns' book could receive an advance of up to £1 million, but have said that the couple may struggle to say anything new.

Proceeds of any deal would go to the Find Madeleine Fund, which has received more than £1.5 million in public donations and a libel payout.'

Times online

Mr and Mrs McCann, who are still suspects and cannot talk about the case until their arguido status is lifted, will use a ghost writer.

Clarence Mitchell, their spokesman, said: "It is a legitimate way of raising money for the fund".

.....the fund that can still ONLY be used to cover the McCanns and their PR/spin doctors/spokespeople etc expenses and fund further searches until such time as the child is found.