The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110957   Message #2333074
Posted By: Slag
05-May-08 - 01:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Volcano active, slept for ten thousand years
Subject: RE: BS: Volcano active, slept for ten thousand years
slag? SLAG? Did I just hear my name taken in vain? Drifting around on slag indeed!

Yup, Yellowstone is the Grand Daddy in North America and perhaps the world. When John Coulter scouted it out it was know as Coulter's Hell. A fascinating place. But California has a really huge caldera also! Mammoth, Mammoth Lakes Caldera. It last erupted many thousands of years ago but when it did the ash shield covered most of what is now the United State and even into the Atlantic Ocean. That qualifies for "Big", don't you think?

Mt. Konocti is our little volcano, about 10 miles from where I live. It last erupted 25,000 years ago. Today's elevation is just slightly over 4000 ft. but estimates pre-eruption were closer to 8,000 ft. Almost half the mountain disappeared when it corked off! /\~~~~   

Skarpi has the worst and the best scenario. Those eruptions which ooze can be out run for the most part but some of those Icalandic monsters can go BANG too! Be prepared. That the only and the best advice I can tell you.

My cousin's husband is a geologist and he told us that if Konocti ever starts rumbling to get out ASAP and be at least 100 miles away. Hmmm! Also good advice for our more explosive type volcanos on the West Coast!