The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59549   Message #2333271
Posted By: M.Ted
05-May-08 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Please help 'Hucka Chucka soda cracka'?'
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Please help 'Hucka Chucka soda cracka'?'
If you want to hear it, here it is: Chubby Checker's 1963 Hit Recording of "Hooka Tooka"

This recording is a real "hoot"-- a mainstream R&B artist singing in the 50s/60's "Hootenanny" style. In the middle 80's, kids at my daughter's South Philly playground were still were singing "Icka Backa Soda Cracka" , so one is inclined to think that Ernest Evans grew up with it--