The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #2333968
Posted By: Bobert
06-May-08 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Yo, Ron and TIA... I'd suggest that you both walk away from the "Resolutions Distractions" tactic that T is playing on you... It is nothing more than an academic pea-under-the shell game that favors endless denial on T's part...

Really, think about it... It's been, what, 5 or 6 years of endless debate over the "language" of UN resolutions...

What is happening in Iraq is criminal and anti-human??? Innocent people are dieing every day and the argument should not be made on an "academic playiong field" where T can keep it going for a "100 years or more" but on the "human field" where we have the advantage...

Upwards of a million Iraqs have now been killed... Over 5000 Anericabn and British troops and private contractors have been killed... Tens upon thousands of other "prople" have been seriously wounded and are noe disabled... Our presence in Iraq only keeps the bllod flowing in streets of various Iraqi towns and the US governemnt is beibg played by both sides in an on going civil war...

We don't even have to talk about just how much of our treasury we have spent opr the good it could have done for our people... We don't even have to talk about the fact that no WMDs, the excuse for going to war, were not found...

What we need to be talking about is getting the heck out... Period... Screw resolutions... 89 cents and a UN resolution will get you a cup of coffee at yer local Pigly Wiggly... This human catastrope is beyond dumb resoultions...

What we need is to get the heck out of Iraq...
