The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98037   Message #2334755
Posted By: GUEST,Fantasma
07-May-08 - 07:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: More GWB and the Rise of Fascism
Subject: RE: BS: More GWB and the Rise of Fascism
No, we aren't feeling bitter at all, Ronny boy. Prez Obama is going to be all about the Republicrat status quo. Which makes the likes of you feel oh, so very safe.

And I'm thrilled it is all winding down, because the so-called "political process" is nothing but media hype horse race shit anyway.

And now that they'll have nothing to talk about (as if there ever was anything besides the media's venal spinning of "whose gonna win it, the nigger or the bitch?" crap), and the only truly progressive and authentic agents of change were driven from the party ranks with fury and contempt early on (that would be Kucinich and Edwards--the white guys, go figure!), your Autocratic Republicrat world is safe and sound from the likes of me.

But Ronny boy, you might want to have look-see at the date this thread was started. Long before Your Savior won Iowa. Hmmmmmm.