The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111018   Message #2334843
Posted By: George Papavgeris
07-May-08 - 09:22 AM
Thread Name: Entertainment v Folk
Subject: RE: Entertainment v Folk
Entertainment is the baggage that folk has to carry in order to make a living. It's the hump on the back of an otherwise comely lad or a beautiful girl. It's the necessary evil, if you want to expose more people to the world of folk - or just evil, if you don't care if a single new person is attracted by folk.

It's like a museum being open to the general public, rather than the exhibits being preserved only for serious study. Entertainment is the gift shop by the entrance that generates much-needed income, the animatronic models of dinosaurs that bring the kiddies (and their parents) in.

I wonder how many of the folk stars that rose to higher skies would be happy with the label "entertainer"... My guess is, none.