The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21800   Message #233538
Posted By: pastorpest
25-May-00 - 12:13 AM
Thread Name: Folk song collecting. Good or bad?
Subject: RE: Folk song collecting. Good or bad?
I am forever collecting books of folk songs. I can't go by a used book store, especially one I have not been in before, without going to look at the music section for books of folk songs. One finds after a while many versions of a song with variations in lyrics and melody. Some editors, Edith Fowke for example, are worth their weight in gold for the quality notes that set a song in context. With many versions of a song, notated, and on recordings, I can pick and choose and develop a version that suits me and what I want to do musically. That changes over time also.

Just think how someone like Woody Guthrie changed words to songs, including his own, for new situations. He also wrote them down and we can look at and learn from his ever new versions and applications to new settings.

If we are stuck, set in our ways, it is our own fault. The more resources we have, the more options we have, and the more freedom we have to go in ever new directions musically speaking.

Please do not ask me to get rid of all my folk music books. Just tell me where I can find more book shelves and maybe a bigger house!