The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111018   Message #2335510
Posted By: Gurney
08-May-08 - 03:58 AM
Thread Name: Entertainment v Folk
Subject: RE: Entertainment v Folk
Everone right, aren't they. Quite a lot of 'folk' is not very entertaining to the average punter, even the average punter in a folk club of festival.
There was a time when I only sang English trad, and I didn't much mind that I was being boring, but I grew out of that.

Now I sing (well, ocasionally) lots of things, and do monologues too, and if it's still boring, that's up to the organiser, because I don't volunteer at all.

I still love trad, but I'll only sing it to the committed. Sometimes its hard to find them. And in my (now maturer) opinion, not a lot of trad is entertaining, but some is, chosen opportunely.