The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110616   Message #2335962
Posted By: the lemonade lady
08-May-08 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: Traders at Folk Festivals
Subject: RE: Traders at Folk Festivals
Festival organisers set a pitch fee (sometimes a percentage) and in order for us to have good trade and afford the pitch fee we need customers. Customers are attracted to an event by advertisements and publicity. If the foot fall is low at an event, the organiser could be at fault for not promoting the event properly. So we traders rely on the organiser and their publicity to get us the customers, so that we in turn can afford the pitch fee. Poor publicity equals poor trade. We shouldn't be held responsible for the fact that the festival organisers have failed in their duty to attract people. So therefore if they have failed, why should we be charged the full fee?
