The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111018   Message #2336454
Posted By: the lemonade lady
09-May-08 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: Entertainment v Folk
Subject: RE: Entertainment v Folk
Folk songs delivered properly, can be entertaining. Why some folkies stand there, eyes closed, finger in the ear bother I really don't know. A folk song has a story to tell, and in order to get the message across one has to 'tell' the story. Eyes and teeth!!!

And boy does it annoy me when someone stands up and says "I don't know this one very well, but i'm going to sing it anyway" and proceeds to forget the words and we all sit in embarrassing silence waiting for the singer to remember a line, when it really doesn't matter cos we don't know what the song is about anyway cos our eyes have glazed over.

The performance standard needs to improve or folk singing will just be ridiculed as usual. How about some performance workshops at festivals, hmmmmm?

come onnnnn!
