The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111085   Message #2336533
Posted By: GUEST,Cindy
09-May-08 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Jane Melissy
Subject: Lyr Req: Jane Melissy...hope someon can help!
All of my mom’s siblings and mom are gone now. I have just a couple of lines to this song that they told me my grandfather sang all the time. My Aunt told me it was called JANE MELISSY. All I have on lyrics is:

When I first fell in Love with Jane Melissy,
on her face she wore a pleasant little smile,
I threw my arms around and tried to kiss her,
but she said go away, I do not like your style.

My aunt also said something about a wooden leg, and a glass eye or something like that is also in the song. I would so very much like to have the lyrics to this so I can add for my children in my genealogy works.

Thanks in advance