The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111100   Message #2336924
Posted By: Donuel
09-May-08 - 09:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: 08 bumper stickers made by your opponent
Subject: BS: 08 bumper stickers made by your opponent
I was thinking it seems highly plausible that the political Rove tactics are here to stay and that double crossing could include making ads that seem to support your opponent in a very off handed manner. You know that all the phoney citizen groups like swift boaters for truth and families for pure values are a sham. They are invented by think tanks who only want private corporations to get all the free hand outs, tax breaks, deregulation and welfare they can.
So lets extend that sham to some some hopefully funny bumper sticker (double cross) blurbs.
I just came up with these but I hope to God they don't escape the confinement of mudcat forum... it could be dangerous!?

Today's 88 is yesterday's 60
    Vote Mc Cain

In your heart you know he's Wright
    Vote Obama

Vote McCain
while you still have some money to lose.

Vote Obama
It takes a terrorist to know a terrorist

Vote McCain
He's whiter than you
He's whiter than everybody

Vote Obama
He gots ex spearience
jus axe him

Vote Hillary
or just say you did.

Vote McCain
He graduated lower than Bush

Vote Obama
for defeat in Iraq

Vote McCain
the 4th time is the charm

Vote McCain
for a senior moment in time

God Damn America
just vote Barak Hussein Obama already!

endorsed by pastors who
know the right people to hate.

Vote Obama
endorsed by Willie Horton.

Vote McCain
at his age
he will use nukes.

The MAN upstairs supports
(the man upstairs is Roger Ailes.)