The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111100   Message #2336948
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-May-08 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: 08 bumper stickers made by your opponent
Subject: RE: BS: 08 bumper stickers made by your opponent
The spectacle of an American election in all its emotional brutality and ugliness is an extraordinary thing to witness from another country. Americans just don't know how bad they've got it! ;-) If they did, they'd change the way their grotesque, vicious, and overly drawn-out election process works drastically....that is, if they were in any position to.

But they're not, because the small group of viable, electable candidates are not chosen by the people, they are chosen ahead of time by Big Money...which then allows the people to pick from the few already hand-picked and chosen by Big Money.

A closed loop.

It works that way in a lot of other places too...but it just doesn't take so f**king LONG!!!!!!!