The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21825   Message #233732
Posted By: Bert
25-May-00 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: If You Were Stranded On Deserted Island
Subject: RE: BS: If You Were Stranded On Deserted Island
As I can handle the boatbuilding and survival stuff pretty well. And I wouldn't want to be stuck with some showoff 'musician' I'd opt for a singer. But there's so many good ones. How would you choose between Melanie, Eartha Kitt, Cheryl Wheeler, Sue Trainor, Peggy Seeger... Of course if I had Tree with me then I'd have to choose a guy, Someone like Tom Paxton or Guy Wolff or, no p'r'aps not 'cos I'd have to watch over Tree then.
