The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111107   Message #2337503
Posted By: Teribus
11-May-08 - 03:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Opposing war vs stopping & ending it
Subject: RE: BS: Opposing war vs stopping & ending it
So Little Hawk's suggestion is that one UN peacekeeping force is replaced by another UN peacekeeping force.

How well is that other UN peacekeeping force coming along in Darfur Little Hawk? "Gravest humanitarian crisis facing mankind" was how Kofi Annan described it how long ago? Took ages to stir themselves into action, no sorry correct that, took ages to stir themselves into thinking about taking action - and they're still doing damn all yet.

Little Hawk doesn't explain why one lot of foreign infidels will be treated any better than the current crop, although that does come into play more in Afghanistan than in Iraq.

Little Hawk also was to "arrange to restore full Iraqi sovereignty over their own oil...and the marketing of that oil."

How do you restore something to someone that has never been taken from them in the first place? Who has sovereignty over Iraqi oil and gas at the moment - The Iraqi Government. Who is marketing Iraqi oil and gas at the moment - The Iraqi Government. At $120+ a barrel they are doing rather well out of it as well.