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Thread #111107   Message #2337633
Posted By: Teribus
11-May-08 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Opposing war vs stopping & ending it
Subject: RE: BS: Opposing war vs stopping & ending it
"I couldn't agree more with Little Hawk when he says--wait a minute--there were PLENTY of responsible people who NEVER bought the WMD stories, including the vast majority of governments on the planet, the UN, and the international weapons inspection teams that had been monitoring Iraq for years." - GUEST,Fantasma (Another "mushroom" Guest with a 295 posting record from 15th April)

Plenty of responsible people were there?

"vast majority of Governments" never bought the WMD stories so quotes Fantasma. Really? how many on the UN Security Council in September 2002 either abstained or voted against UN Security Council Resolution 1441.

The main point Fantasma was that the world didn't know, because "international weapons inspection teams" had not been monitoring Iraq for years, and Saddam Hussein by his own admission did his utmost to foster belief in the fact that he did still possess Chemical and Biological WMD.

UNMOVIC did not go into Iraq to find WMD, they went into Iraq to establish exactly what the situation was with regard to Iraqi WMD capability and their weapons programmes.

A question for you Fantasma about your question:

"The question I'm asking all of you here is, to what lengths should the American citizen be going to STOP the war. End it."

What war are you talking about Fantasma - The War on Terror? - The War on Drugs? - The War on Poverty? - The War on Aids? All are being fought by the US at the moment. The US however is not "at war" in either Iraq or Afghanistan, or anywhere else on the planet at the present time.