The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111107   Message #2337691
Posted By: Bobert
11-May-08 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Opposing war vs stopping & ending it
Subject: RE: BS: Opposing war vs stopping & ending it
No, FtP (Fantz the Proclaimer), you are 100% ***wrong***!!! You ain't gonna bring peace to Iraq with another 100 years of war, which seein' as you have no plan at all, we can safely assume that is exactly your plan for Iraq...

What have you proposed that isn't tightly wound in colonialism???

Nothin', that's what!!!

So you can take you accusations and you labels and stick 'um where the sun don't shine...

Your closet McCainism is showing thru loud and clear!!!

Hope you enjoy yer little "100 Year War"...
