The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111110   Message #2337880
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
11-May-08 - 05:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel's Next War.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel's Next War.
An after thought re: the 1967 war. I had the pleasure of interviewing Michael Oren the author of a book on the subject a while back and you will find there how the pre-emptiveness by Israel was able to stop the attacks by Egypt and Syria who had fallen out with each other even before the battle was joined at their instigation.

The interview was on my TABLETALK program on WFDU in NJ and re-broadcast on the occasion of the 60th Bday commemorations of the State of Israel.

Mr. Oren is an American who lives and teaches in Israel and also fears for the lives of his children each day as they ride their buses to school given the suicide bombers of the amenable and amiable Israeli neighbors.

Bill Hahn