The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21817   Message #233805
Posted By: katlaughing
25-May-00 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: Bill and Allans Excellent Adventure-Y2k
Subject: RE: Bill and Allans Excellent Adventure
Well, that means I have to get out a real coffee pot! Rog did find some Mexican instant at the store the other day which he says isn't too bad! I can't stand the taste of the stuff!**BG**

And, Bill, just so'se ya know...around here if you ask for Cafe Olay....people wil figure you want to go out for a Mexican dinner at Cafe Jose's; Las Magaritas'; El Jarro's; or La Cocina's! And, since ya said they took your tea at Custom's, I've got a line on a place we can get some supposedly *good* English tea, direct from the auld sod...we put it to the test when you get here!

Hey, Allan, my grandsons turn 2 years old auspicious day all round!
