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Thread #111107   Message #2338747
Posted By: Bobert
12-May-08 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Opposing war vs stopping & ending it
Subject: RE: BS: Opposing war vs stopping & ending it
I agree, LH, that reparations will not be paid to Iraq... I think this is because that no matter what an Iraqi governemnt looks like in 3 years it will not be one that was part of the plan...

As for getting out now??? If it were up to me I'd go for it... If Gworge Bush said that he was pulling out tomorrow I would be doing the Eagle Rock dance all over this farm...

Reality 101: A President Obama, in an attempt to seem the "uniter" will pander to those who will be disappointed that there will be no "coon skin" to nail to the wall but should appreciate the effort that will be made to create the best diplomatic efforts in the region and the softest defeat...

I am deeply saddened that during those 16 months that hundreds of Americans and thousands of Iraqi's will die... I mean, torn up inside, saddened...

This war is the worst foriegn policy decision since Fort Sumpter but given the fact that Fort Sumpter really wasn't a "foriegn policy decision" I'd have to say that it was the worst decision in the history of the United States... Worse than Vietnam because we had Vietnam as a model...

And with Senator Obama as president this is probably the best realistic outcome... And it may cost him a 2nd term but if he is the real "stright talker" in this race and is the next president then I believe that he will keep his word...

It would be nice if McCain had top clean uop this mess but he just is not wired to see it as a mess...
