The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111018   Message #2339127
Posted By: GUEST
13-May-08 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: Entertainment v Folk
Subject: RE: Entertainment v Folk
I think I'm beginning to see what this entertainment issue is all about. I had been baffled for months when it appeared that the word was being used as an insult. It has become obvious that the word entertainment (in its truest sense) is not what the "anti-entertainment" subscribers are complaining about. What they are against is being sold or told what entertainment is. Folkies want to rise above the pop ridden cheap tat that is sold to the masses as entertainment. What they enjoy has deeper meaning (many others have described this far better than I can); and the people who provide it carry little or no celebrity status; another thing intelligent people are sick and tired of.

So it isn't the word but the perception of the word that upsets the people who don't want their music to be spoken of in the same breath as the X factor.

Very understandable.