The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107626   Message #2339316
Posted By: Grab
13-May-08 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: an insight regarding autism
Subject: RE: BS: an insight regarding autism
Going back to vaccination, the problem with the idea that vaccines cause autism (or "autistic spectrum disorder") is that different countries use different vaccines, and their use started at different times. If there was *any* link whatsoever between vaccines and autism, there would be clear differences between different countries' statistics.

The problem for the vaccination hypothesis is that this simply isn't the case. Diagnosed autistic spectrum disorders have risen in lockstep in all Western countries, regardless of the dates when particular vaccinations started and what preparation of vaccine is used.

And as for the "pompous indoctrinated medical advisors", they're trying to ensure that generations of children grow up without the killer diseases that killed vast quantities of children. You often hear people saying today, "A parent should never have to see their child die." Well I've got news for them - before vaccination, you might quite likely have been burying 5 children out of a family of 10. Or the children might have been permanently disabled by it. The only reason it's relatively safe to be unvaccinated today is that most other people are vaccinated and so can't spread the disease. As a one-off, you'll get away with it. But like all these things, once a whole bunch of people decide to be "one-offs", suddenly there's a load of them - and then bang, let'er rip and bury the dead. :-(
