The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111189   Message #2339625
Posted By: Jeri
13-May-08 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: Folk vs Folk
Subject: RE: Folk vs Folk
INeluctable: –adjective
incapable of being evaded; inescapable: an ineluctable destiny.
[Origin: 1615–25; < L inéluctābilis, equiv. to in- in-3 + éluctā(rī) to force a way out or over, surmount (é- e- + luctārī to wrestle) + -bilis -ble]

Therefore, 'eluctable means it can be evaded, is escapable, and you can get out or over it.

Or to translate what wordfella said (The extent is mitigated in large part by the ineluctable modality of the observer's preconceptions. It's obvious, isn't it?), you don't know because you don't know what the flip the observer's thinkin'. Maybe.