The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111066   Message #2339875
Posted By: Bobert
13-May-08 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary's Bow-Out Date Contest...
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary's Bow-Out Date Contest...
In yer dreams, FtP...

You not only need to get laid (sexist joke) but one million times more than that you need to get a sense of humor...

When I participate in various anti-war demonstrations these days the one thing that reminds me of the 60's is that the younger kids have what we had and that is a sense of humor...

We had folks like you back then... They infiltarted out Radical Student Union when we were trying to iron out details for an upcoming demonstartion and they wnated us to drop everything we were about to do because of some injustice that was occuring at the Phillip Morris Tobacco plant down the road...

Well, yeah, I'm sure that had we nothing else to do we probably would have taken on the Phillip Morris thing but things were underway for the anti-ear thing and it wasn't in the cards...

So they huffed on out calling everyone a bunch of middle class white kids who didn't know jack from jack...

That is you, Fantz... You think you have the market cornered in righteousness... Problem is that you don't have any level of humility and you don't have any kind of sense of humor...

You would have been those folks who interupted our meeting in the 60's because it made them feel superior in some way... How??? I'll never understand...

But there you are, a "martyr with papers in order" passing judegement down upon me... I tell ya' what... Come out from under your cover an' this ol' hillbilly will match you demonstration for demonstration, will most likely outmatch you in community organizing, will match the years I have put in the trenches working with people living in poverty... My life is transparent... Anything I say I have done I can back up with references...

You shoot at me like a drive-by shooter... Whatever makes you feel all warm and fuzzy about yourself... But you got you self-importance way outtta wack... You don't know nuthin' about me yet you think you do??? Haha.. Joke is on you...

Come out from behind your mask and let go toe-to-toe on what we have done in our lives for the cause...

Until then, get a sense of humor and get the heck off yer high horse 'casue yer sermons are as empty as last years bird's nest...

Square business...
