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Thread #111210   Message #2340176
Posted By: GUEST,Fantasma
14-May-08 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: How is West Virginia doing in elect.?
Subject: RE: BS: How is West Virginia doing in elect.?
People should also be concerned with the voters and supporters Obama seems to be attracting--uniters they ain't, no matter what Obama's rhetoric says.

It seems to me the Obama campaign has racially polarized Democrats in a way they haven't been since 1968, and his core supporters are some of the most divisive folk in the electorate--they appear more and more like the Rove Republicans every day.

To win in November, Obama can't afford to alienate Clinton's voters. Yet, alienate them they do.

We'll see if the white male working class voters abandon the party and cross back over to the Republicans this cycle.

We'll see if the Latino voters abandon the party again, and go to McCain in at least the same numbers they crossed over to Bush in 2000, because McCain is so much better on immigration than Obama is.

In other words, the two voting blocs the Obama camp is counting on to stay with him, haven't supported him in the primaries, and also have been swing voters since the Reagan days.

To assume they will swing to Obama this time is a very dangerous assumption to be making, IMO. And it is an assumption based more on arrogant denial, than historical and present day realities.

I honest to god don't have a clue who will win in November if the #1 issue is "it's the economy, stupid", because that issue for McCain and Obama both, is their weakest.

And does anyone think we can pull off enough of an economic recovery by the fall for the #1 issue for voters NOT to be the economy?